I have a lot of older towels, but they are still in the original packaging. Use them for whatever, from towels for yourself, to christmas gifts (keep the kids in mind), to towels to use with your spinner.
You can mix and match colors, styles, etc, but sales are in increments of 5.
Quantities and colors are limited -
Colors available (Tan, White, Mint Green, Yellow, Light Blue)
Here is what I have, pics included
Qty 2
I'm A Member - 500 Club w/ Pin Splash (1 Grn, 1 Yel)
http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=11/31912595767.jpg&s=x11Unlimted Quantity
I'm A Member - 550 Club w/ Pin Splash (All Colors)
http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=11/31913001446.jpg&s=x11Qty 7
I'm A Member - 650 Club w/ Pin Splash (1 Tan, 1 Wht, 1 Grn, 2 Yel, 2 Blu)
http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=11/31913003937.jpg&s=x11Qty 1
I'm A Member - 700 Club w/ Pin Splash (1 Yel)
http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=11/31913005833.jpg&s=x11Qty 3
I'm A Member - 175 Club w/ Pin Splash (1 Wht, 1 Grn, 1 Yel)
http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=11/31912593294.jpg&s=x11Qty 2
3rd Place w/ Ball and Pins (1 Wht, 1 Grn)
http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=11/31912575569.jpg&s=x11Unlimited Qty
High Average w/ Ball and Pins (All Colors)