Hey everyone got a few things im looking to sell...
#15 killer instinct sanded. This ball has been fully plugged and redrilled once. Still in good condition. The ball has 50-75 games on it and has been well maintained. 30 plus shipping. (pending)
#15 track rule. This ball has had the thumb plugged to move it a hair. Only about 1/4 of an inch of plug is showing, the rest was drilled through. Only 10 games on this ball. 70 plus shipping.
#15 Kript keeper spare ball. Thumb has been plugged and moved. Good condit. still, great looking spare ball. 20 plus shipping.
#15 ulta hott...has a little over 100 games on it, it has been resurfaced once and is still in good condition...this is a first drill and great med oil ball by storm. 35 plus shipping.
Edited on 1/25/2005 11:06 AM