Super Scamp 12,16lb - $49.95 shipped
Triumph TNT 12,13lb - $59.95 shipped
Justice Pearl 16lb - $59.95 shipped
Terminal Velocity 16lb - $64.95 shipped
Supreme Justice 15,16lb - $49.95 shipped
Titan SE 15,16lb - $49.95 shipped
Titan Pearl 15lb - $49.95 shipped
Overseas Triumph Pure Hook 15lb - $54.95 shipped
All are mostly pin & top weight blems, some have small plug marks, unoticeable on the Pure Hooks. 1sts have good pins & tops, 2nds 0-1 and 4-5, there are NO 2-4" PINS!!!
contact or paypal vgrizz66@optonline.net
http://stores.ebay.com/Used-Bowling-Balls-Dot-ComWIN FREE STUFF! MONTHLY DRAWINGS AND RAFFLES UsedBowlingBalls.com Port Jeff Sta., NY 11776
www.theperfectfitproshop.comwww.usedbowlingballs.comEdited on 11/11/2005 6:03 AM
Edited on 11/14/2005 6:53 AM
Edited on 11/17/2005 7:06 AM
Edited on 11/29/2005 7:09 AM