Can send pics via text or email
All balls have a 4 3/4 x 4 7/8 span, no finger inserts, do have thumb slugs
16lb Morich DestroyR - immacculate condition, less than 10 games on synthetics, - 35.00 plus shipping
16lb Morich Perpetual Motion- less than 5 games, like new shape - 20.00 plus shipping
16lb Brunswick Alpha max - less than 5 games, pin above and right of ring finger mb right of thumb. 15.oo plus shipping
16lb Roto grip theory. pin under ring mb right of thumb... never thrown - 25 plus shipping
16lb Riot - pin under middle finger cg center grip, never thrown 15 plus shipping
Shipping is UPS ground from zip code 14609
I just got back into bowling after a little layoff and do not need these.