I have pic of all of them.Give me ur email addreess and i will let u see it.
15lb tour power-plugged once and drilled again. 50 games on it-43 dollars shipped or better offer . drilled lefty
15lb carbide bomb- plugged two times at the thumb and drilled again.drilled lefty. Great condition-15 games on it. 75 shipped or make me better offers( trades
16lb rhino gold-plugged twice-30 dollars shipped or better offer
15lb red alert-plugged once- very good condition-45 dollars shipped or better offer(maybe)
15lb silencer- never plugged- very good condition-55 dollars shipped or better offer(maybe0
15lb warrior- never plugged-very good condition- make me some offers
Will sell both for 110 dollars( carbide and tour power)
Don't like the price, make me an offer.