All are RH span approx 4 1/8", message me with offers including shipping, trade 4 14# only.
All balls have been imaculately maintained: cleaned every session with orange clean or simple green and frequently received surface adjustments on my spinner and deep clean with Track Clean and Dull. Will put what ever surface you wish on them before shipping (320-3000grit+polish)
15# X-Factor 4" pin, good condition, approx 60 games, hairline cracking around fingers, full plug once for span change Ultra Sonic 2.5-3" pin 3.14oz top, excellent condition, <30 games, thumb plugged for span change.
pic coming soon, ball is at the center.
14.04# Sonic Boom 3-3.5" pin 2.7oz top, perfect condition, <10 games. SOLD--------------------
STORM's unofficial FAQ sectionEdited on 12/21/2005 3:28 PM