hello all i have had to change jobs and need to sell some very good stuff i hate to part with. the bag is a 6 ball strikeforce cost new $250 bought at the begining of the summer leagues .great bag asking $100 obo.<deal pending on bag> .also on the block is all 15 # balls all right hand drills no plugs on any of them all spans are at 4 1/2 all have vac grip inserts and thumb slugs.must sell make resonable offers lane 1 balls- i have a <super carbide bomb> not used much great oil ball im asking 70 plus shipment charges <deal pending on scb> also i have a < black cherry bomb > asking 70 plus shipment <holding bcb for doug for now> hammer <big blue pearl> asking 70 plus ship< bbp sold> columbia <wired > strong ball asking 70 obo plus ship track <threat> this ball has regular grips .ball has maybe 12 games on it asking 60 obo plus ship columbia <wd> make an offer used for 10 pins only deal pending on wd
life is short enjoy it
Edited on 8/22/2004 9:24 PM
Edited on 8/22/2004 10:37 PM