Have some NIB's sittin around that need to be moved.
Super Trooper-15.4 -3 inch pin-2 3/4 tw.....$80 shipped
Throttle UP-16.1- 4 inch pin-3 1/4 tw.....$95 shipped
Primal Instinct-15.1-3 to 4 pin-1 1/2 tw......$100 shipped
15.2- 3 to 4 pin- 3 1/4 tw....
15.3- 3 to 4 pin- 2 3/4 tw....
Killer Instinct Sanded...15.2- 3 to 4 pin- 2 3/4.....$100 shipped
15.2- 3 to 4 pin- 3 1/4 tw....
15.2- 3 to 4 pin- 2 1/2 tw....
16.0- 2 to 3 pin- 3 1/4 tw....
Big Block Diesel- 15.4- 2 to 3 pin- 2 3/4 tw....$90 shipped
Animal Untamed- 14.3- 5 inch pin- 2 3/4 tw... $100 shipped
Depth Charge- 16.0- 2 to 2.5 pin- 3.9 tw...$95 shipped
Deal- Many to choose from... $90 shipped
Fear Factor- 15.4- 2 to 3 pin- 2.7 tw.....$100 shipped
16.0- 0 to 1 pin- 2 1/2 tw....