Hello To ALL
I am selling 2 NIB AMF Balls.
Both are 14lbs and are undrilled.
AMF Titan 3"-4" tw about 2 1/4oz-
AMF Super Scamp pin 3"4" and about 2 oz tw.
I am looking to sell them together shipped for $140
Or I will sell them for $70 each shipped.
If you knock down 10 pins always smile,no matter how they fell. An X on the 1st ball is 1 step closer to 300.
Edited on 1/22/2005 6:34 PM
Edited on 1/22/2005 11:36 PM
Edited on 1/28/2005 9:46 PM
Edited on 1/29/2005 3:21 PM