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Author Topic: Wanted,10 to 13lb balls with that hook!  (Read 366 times)


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Wanted,10 to 13lb balls with that hook!
« on: November 08, 2003, 03:12:02 AM »
Hey peeps,

I'm looking for the following:

Any 10lb to 12lb ball that have hook power!

Also any 13lb ""LEFT HAND" drill only(aka these are for me,LOL!!)
I need one because my RIGHT HAND is kinda ugh right now,and I need to
start using my emergency hand for bowling!

If anything is out there LMK,and I'll see whats up,I do have Paypal
and if ya dont have Paypal ummm,I can do regular PRIORTY mail
with a postal moola order!

Soooo,whether its NIB or used,thats ok.

I know its a hokey request,BUT I'm sure of a gazillion members
(aka several thousand,but not all logged on at once!).
Someone should have something lying around,I think?

