Most are 15 and 16#ers for sale below, otherwise these will go to Ebay soon. All are drilled for right handers except for the Apex's, see the images for more information.
***Update: these have been sent to Ebay***
16# Brunswick Blue Azure Pro Zone (minimal tracking and marks)
16# Brunswick Danger Zone (moderate tracking and marks - thumb needs repair)
16# Brunswick Gold Rhino (heavy tracking and marks-bridge cracked)
16# Brunswick Raging Inferno (redrilled once-moderate tracking)
16# Brunswick Teal Pro Zone (moderate tracking and marks)
14# Brunswick Black Myth Urethane RARE (moderate tracking and use)
15# Brunswick M/B/Y Target Zone (minimal tracking and use)
16# Ebonite Apex - 2 left (both redrilled once-moderate tracking and marks)
16# Quantum Spare Plastic RARE (redrilled once-moderate tracking and marks-thumb needs repair)
15# Rotogrip Pearl Sonic X (minimal tracking and use)
15# Rotogrip Sonic Boom (minimal tracking and use)
FYI: More info on the rare balls above can be found at
Edited on 7/12/2004 3:06 PM