here are some great shape 16lbers most are single drills except the thumb on El Nino Gold
16LB Track Slash Sold to CMDBowler,thanks Larry!
16lb AMF - VP2 --------->60 shipped
(12 games max,pin below fingers,span around 4 5/8) AMF - Triumph ----->30 shipped
(3 games max,pin below fingers,span around 4 1/2) Track CrunchTime--->60 shipped
single drill,low games span near 4 5/8 - no grips with a thumb slug Storm El Nino Gold------>45 shipped
thumb has slug in it and drilled almost 80 percent of it out,some plug showing low games span near 4 5/8 - has grips with a thumb slug offers on trades,16lbs single drills only.
also looking for Lane 1 balls in 16lbs.
Rockin The Game,One Frame At A Time
my Email :
Edited on 11/14/2005 4:07 PM
Edited on 11/14/2005 4:57 PM
Edited on 11/15/2005 11:23 PM
Edited on 11/16/2005 10:31 AM