I have several 15 lbs ball to sale or trade.
The balls are as follows:
Ebonite Turbo X-Tour-15lbs-plugged in middle finger and re-drilled into plug.The ball is black with the Neon Green Turbo-X logo.Has a thumb slug,Span is approx 4 3/16 and 4 5/16. SOLD !!
Ebonite Blue Omega Dry-15lbs-plugged into he fingers and re-drilled into plug,Span is 4 1/4 and 4 3/8.
Champion Gust -a Hammer Reaper shell with a Nasty Nail weight block.Never Plugged,thumb slug. Span is approx 4 3/16 and 4 5/16. SOLD !!
Red Reactive Hammer15lbs-plugged in the fingers,has thumb slug. Span is 4 1/8 and 4 1/4.
Ebonite Blue Wolf-15lbs-plugged in the fingers and re-drilled back into plug.Span is 4 1/8 and 4 1/4.Thumb is plugged and also redrilled back into plug.The bridge has a crack in it and would need to be plugged.
Brunswick Attitude 3-15lbs-plugged in the fingers and span moved to approx 4 1/2. Some track,but is good shape.
AMF Sinbad- 15lbs-1 drill and never plugged.
AMF Angle Evolution Extra 15lbs-plugged in finger and thumb. Re-drill back in same area,moved span to approx 4 3/8.
AMF Whiplash Pearl 15lbs- 1 Drill and span is approx 4 3/8.
AMF Nighthawk Torque 15lbs- 1 Drill and the span is approx 4 3/8.
If you have any questions,feel free to email me at JDL1966@hotmail.com
I am willing to accept NIB and 1-Drills for trade.
Thanks in advance !!!!
Edited on 1/12/2004 0:07 AM
Edited on 1/12/2004 10:20 PM