I have plenty of bowling balls that need to be sold or traded for. I am going with storm equipment only now.
Messenger Ti Pearl- 16# drilled once with pin about 4 o'clock of the ring finger drilled for right hander $40
Phenom- 15# drilled once with the pin under the ring finger and drilled for a RH $70
Hex- 15# drilled once with pin at 5 o'clock with a weight hole $45
Apex Intensity- 16# drilled once with pin above middle finger this ball was great to me I shot a 297 with this ball $45
Willing to trade any of these balls for a Power Charge Pearl, Super Charge, Tripe X Factor, or X Factor Reloaded
The prices of the bowling balls do not include shipping and handling. Email me at ShortyQ89@hotmail.com if you have any questions.