Hey everyone,
A buddy of mine wanted me to post these to see what interest there is.
Here is what he's got:
16lb Lane 1 Cherry Bomb (Pearl)
Single drill (RH)
I believe it's stacked, but I can check for sure
Grips, slug, not sure about extra hole
Resurfaced 1X, coverstock is in very, very good shape
$70 shipped
16lb Visionary Purple Ice Executioner
Single drill (RH)
Not sure of drilling, will have to check
Grips, slug, not sure about extra hole
Very low games, coverstock is mint
$60 shipped
16lb Ebonite TPC Shooter
I believe it's single drill but I'm not positive. Not sure of specs, other than it is drilled RH and the coverstock is in pretty good shape. I will get full specs for anyone who may be interested.
If you don't like prices, make offers. Also, feel free to make offers for trade material. I believe that he only wants 16, but feel free to list 15s that you may want to swap and I'll let him make the call. Message or post with interest.
Gene J. Kanak
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )