Here's what I have to offer:
C300 Burst - single drill, RH, cover is very clean - $50 plus actual
Mission 2.0 x-out - single drill, RH, cover is mint - $35 plus actual
EPX-T1 - heavy 15 or light 16, single drill, RH, very low games, minty, $50 plus actual
Cherry Bomb Pearl - some plug work, cover in great shape, $50 plus actual
Hammer Tuff, thumb plugged a few times, cover could use resurfacing - $25 plus actual
Hammer Nail (fire/smoke) - single drill, low games, minty - $40 plus actual
I may have one or two others, but I'm not sure. These are in very good shape. I just don't have room in the bag for them. Pics can be sent on request. If you don't like my prices, make counter offers.