For Sale / No trades
Paypal or Money Order only
Balls shipped in U.S only via U.P.S.
15# Used (5 games) Saw Blade 2-3 Pin
Drilled 4 X 4 R.H. was over 3 oz before drilling.
Has grips and slug - no plug work, Span aboy 4 5/8 on both
$50.00 plus shipping
15# BVP Punisher Used
Used in Chicago Open by Ricky Steelsmith. Drilled over the label
with pin slightly visible in ring. No plug work, only etchings from
the drilling. Pics on request. Ball in great shape
$50.00 plus shipping
Would only trade for Triple Xtreme 15#, for one of these
balls and I would add some cash, depending on shape of the