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Author Topic: Ebonite stuff  (Read 405 times)


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Ebonite stuff
« on: November 13, 2004, 11:50:46 AM »
All balls 16lb., drilled with grips and thumb slug,
with a span of 4 3/8" cut to cut. Shipping is not included in
prices,will ship ups from 57252, so you can figure

Killer Insticnt Sanded, 1/2" pin, drilled with
pin centered under fingers, bomb @ 75 degrees.
About 8 frames on ball, new condition. $75.00

Predator solid, 3" pin, pin centered under
fingers, cg 1 1/2" over and 1 1/2" down from
grip center. Fingers clear plugged to change
pitch, excellent plug work. 15 games on ball,
cover is excellent. $30.00

Savage Flip, 1 1/2" pin, pin is right and
above ring, cg is 2 1/2" right of grip center.
Has a small wieght hole next to the cg.
About 40 games, cover is good, has some
scratches in track area. $25.00

Preadtor Sparkle, 2 1/4" pin, pin in ring.
Cg 1" right of grip center. 30 some games,
cover is good, a couple of small nicks.$15.00

Pantera,2 1/2" pin, drilled with pin below and
right of ring. Cg is 2 1/2" right of grip center.
Ball has been plugged 1 time, plug work is excellent.
Cover is in very good shape, low games. $25.00

Will trade ball or balls for the following balls
only. Killer Instinct Pearl/V2 Sweet, or
Lane 1 Uranium/Cherry Bomb.
Thanks, raff.