whats up everyone... tryin to clear out what i am not using or what really doesn't get used....i will ship your prefered way actual cost all prices are for the balls only actual shipping will be added....all are 15lb unless noted and 4 13/16 4 7/8 grip-grip allgrips and sleeves will be removed before shipping...
#1- dv8 misfit yellow/magenta(2nd drill thumb fingers were plugged and redrilled in same spot for pitch change) $25(traded to jwheeler1220 on BBE)
#2-jet tester (1.5 drill has hairline crack from pin to fingers)$25
#3-visionary green gargoyle 2nd drill great shape $25
#4- dynothane the thing 1.5 drill good cond $20
#5- lane 1 uranium pearl 1.5 drill cover 8.5/10 $25
#6-visionary immortal solid (14lb) s/d color blem just has more black then yellow looks awesome to me ha ha maybe 10games ($traded to jwheeler1220 on BBE)
#7-visionary immortal pearl 3rd drill ball still rolls great $15
#8-brunswick 15.5lb OG danger zone 1.5 drill great cond $35(sold to elky57)
#9-gold rhino pro 1.75 drill(thumb moved twice in same general area) cover is in great cond $35(sold to elky57)
#10-rhino pro X s/d cover is currently in avg cond will be fully resurfaced to best possible $30
i accept paypal or money order just pm for more info and pics of individual balls