see my signature
the Ravage looking for $29 dollars for + S&H
the SR300 looking for $50 dollars for + S&H
the Awesome Finish looking for $45 dollars for + S&H
the Odysee looking for $49 dollars for + S&H
pm me if intersted will try to get a few pics up here in a couple of days
current arsenal all 15lbs
Storm Attitude Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl
Morich Shock & Awe
Morich LevRG
Roto Grip Quest
Roto Grip Cell
Roto Grip Odysee
Brunswick vizaball Ichiro
Ebonite SR300 15lb (4 sale)
Morich Awesome Finish 15lb (4 sale)
Morich Ravage 15lb (4 sale)
Roto Grip Odysee 16lb (4 sale)
pm me if intersted in any of these balls for sale