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Author Topic: For Sale!!! Used Scotch Brite and Sandpaper from my shop $25 shipped!! Read  (Read 209 times)


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I have a ton of used paper and scotch brite pads from my Pro Shop... They are used but have plenty of life left for the at home ball spiner owner.. They arent high enough quality for me to use anymore to charge money for so instead of throwing them away I am offering them here... I have sold these used sandpaper lots several other times with no complaints...

Black/Burgundy and Grey Scotch Brite pads in 6" discs from my resurfacing machine and also rectangle pads used by hand...

180,320,360,400,500,600 and more grits in sandpaper used by hand...

First $25 shipped takes the lot.... Well worth the deal!!!

email me at
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Pro Shop Own