All prices are shipped to the lower 48 states
pics available w/email address
Manly looking for Motiv,Storm,Riti trades in 14 or 15#
16# Lane #1 Super Carbide Bomb -single drill,fully plugged $60.00 SOLD
16# Storm Tropical Heat -sindle drill,fully plugged $50.00
16# Roto Grip Dark Star 1 1/3 drill,fully plugged $50.00 SOLD
16# Storm Eraser Carbide Burn 1 1/3 drill,fully plugged $50.00
15# AMF Shred-It single drill,fully plugged $55.00 SOLD
15# Dynothane 357 Magnum single drill,fully plugged $45.00
15# Brunswick Avalanche Urethane single drill,less than 5 games $55.00
15# Storm Virtual Gravity 2nd drill,fully plugged $45.00
15# Radical Slant Pearl single drill,less than 8 games $60.00
15# Radical Times Up Solid single drill,less than 5 FRAMES $50.00
15# Radical imes Up Pearl single drill IT thumb $60.00
15# Storm Lightning 2nd drill,fully plugged $45.00 SOLD
15#Motiv Raptor Attack single drill,less than 1 Vise IT $65.00 SOLD
15# Motiv Primal TV4 1.5drill (thumb moved) Vise IT $50.00
15# AMF Nighthawk Pearl 1.5 drill (thumb moved) Vise IT $50.00
15# AMF Heist Pearl single drill * games IT Thumb
14# Storm Victory Road Pearl single drill $55.00 TRADED on Facebook
14# Lane Masters/Legends New Standard 1.5 drills, $50.00 SOLD
11# AMF Angle Pearl single drill $45.00
Balls added
15# Columbia Big Bully single drill fully plugged $50.00
15# Columbia Icon 300 single drill, fully plugged $45.00
15# Motiv Thrash frenzy 2nd drill grips and IT $65.00
15# Motiv Venom Toxin 1.5 drill (fingers moved , grips and IT $65.00
15# Motiv Sigma Hybrid 2nd drill grips and IT $55. (pin up)
15# Sigma Hybrid 2nd drill (same layout) grips and IT $#60.00 (pin down)