I have up for sale the following 16lbers..... (all drilled with thumb slug and no finger grips unless noted otherwise) Spans are 4 3/4 by 4 7/8. shipping is UPS ground from 14610
Roto Grip Oracle Vision (less than 5 games) drilled pin over ring cg kicked out right with the MB about 2 inches right of thumb. 65.00 plus shipping
Brunswick Intense Inferno, fingers plugged once, about 20 games on synthetics, awesome shape pin over middle finger cg in grip center. 25.00 plus shipping
Storm Fire Storm (does have finger inserts) - Pin over ring finger cg directly below. Coverstock has no marks, ring finger plugged once for pitch change.. 25.00 plus shipping
Edited on 5/24/2005 4:43 PM