I have a 15 lb original X factor the ball has been plugged once before and curretnly has the pin above the ring finger with the cg kicked out a little
I am only asking 40 shipped for this one because it has been plugged before but the coverstock in good cond.
The next one I have is a single drill Tour power with about 30 game on it the pin is umder my ring with cg inline and small weight hole I am asking 40 shipped for this one also
I have a 15 lb only one drill Xfactor Reloaded with about 20 games on it the pins drilled above the finger with cg kicked out with no weight hole the span is about 4 7/16 I am asking 65 shipped for it but I am open to any offers
thank you in advance if anybody wanted a combo deal let me know I am sure we could wrok something out
Edited on 12/29/2003 10:07 AM