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Author Topic: 15# Majestic Zone II for Trade  (Read 177 times)

Brunswick Bowler

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15# Majestic Zone II for Trade
« on: December 11, 2005, 08:44:25 PM »
Ball is drilled R/H.  Span is 4-3/16 x 4-5/16.  Pin over bridge cg kick out slightly.  No weight hole.  Grips and thumb sleeve used in this ball.  No track and no scrathches on ball.

The ball has about 2 full games and 2 or 3 warm up shots on it.

Looking to trade for 15# R/H Ambush, Goliath, Strike Zone, Punisher, Rampage, or Nemesis in excellent condition with similar span (single drill - no plug please).  I would also prefer to trade for a ball that already has inserts.

I would also consider trading for a Big Time, Big Time Pearl, Overtime, or The One in the condition stated above.  I would also be interested in a 15lb NIB Urethane groove or 15lb NIB Zone Spare Ball.

Edited on 12/12/2005 6:05 AM