I went to Columbia's website.
Went to gear and then Retired balls.
I found blue shadow(pearl urethane), black shadow(solid urethane), shadow/c = reactive with ceramic center, and shadow/r.
Of course I did not check in the per 1963 section!
I can do that cause Dicnic can beat me!
Anyway though I don't think it matters. I'm pretty sure the Red shadow was like pearl blue shadow. A pancake block with urethane pearl.
There are some around. Columbia has some in the beast or scout series I think and Brunswick has some in the groove series. Pancake with urethane. They are all the same. Weak unless the backends are flying and somewhat acceptable spare balls.
Some of the new urethanes with two piece weight blocks and pearl urethane have a touch more pop! I have a Blue pearl Hammer. It's not for sale!