I am moving a few a time on here of some of my nicer newer releases that just dont fit my game like i had hoped, will conside trade trades for nib stuff. All are right hand drill first drills in excellent shape with finger grips and thumb slugs.
Track Animal maybe 10 games perfect cover 75.00 shipped- Sold!!! Thanks Stringer
Track freak-a-zoid 6 games perfect cover 60.00 shipped
Track Phenom 6 games perfect cover 50.00 shipped
Track Hexplosion 5 games perfect cover 50.00 shipped
I use early roll drills under ring finger cg kicked right can send photos tomorrow night if necessary!!
spans are 4 5/16 both fingers
paypal preferred or money order only thanks
will go 150 shipped for 3 left also do not offer less for single ball than posted these are new balls with holes in them!!
Edited on 11/1/2004 2:09 PM
Edited on 11/1/2004 2:56 PM
Edited on 11/1/2004 9:21 PM
Edited on 11/2/2004 11:51 AM
Edited on 11/3/2004 10:47 PM