I am getting rid of my Orig. purple saw it is really a great mild control piece on medium light to dry, this is the Orig. purple reactive resin and orig. diamond core. It is 15# has about a 1 inch pin, it has had 3 sets of finger and two thumbs but they have all been in the general same area, all drills have been with both cg and pin in the palm and my current drill on it goes through some one set of finger plug and i used the existing thumb so plug wise its really only like second drill total. The plug work is good and coverstock is really in good shape for such a classic piece. Span is 4 9/16 and 4 1/2. This is still a good ball and someone can get some good use out of it. Sorry I can't do pics just check my profile for references I have had nearly 30 deals on here.
$30 ships it to your door.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.
Edited on 1/17/2005 7:23 AM