Well to set this all straight.. I have had both a good and bad transaction with chris. The same equipment that tmiller purchased was supposed to have been sent to me for the tradeup program and I had ordered the new ball in anticipation of receiving the balls. I messaged chris and never received a response about how he had made two deals for the same equipment. I only found out about the other deal by speaking with tmiller as we ended up making a deal for the equipment he was to get from chris. When I ordered the balls for tmiller02 they arrived before the equipment that he had purchased from chris. I found that to be odd so I asked tmiller02 to pm chris and ask for a tracking number. I also reached out to chris to ask the status of the balls he had sent. I never got a response from chris despite seeing he had been online and checked my message. So to make a long story short.. the guy not only didnt send the balls, but he made multiple deals with people on the same equipment and seems like he never intended on sending out the equipment to anybody. Last I heard chris stated that he told his wife to send it and he was going to get a tracking number.. that never happened and now tmiller02 is not only out the money he paid to chris, but he also had to pay me for the balls that I ordered for him as he is a man of his word. I would deal with Chris with extreme caution from this point forward if at all!
Owner of Brazen Bowling Supply... authorized seller of Lane1,Big B,Morich,Storm,Roto,Seismic,Visionary,Motiv,Ebonite,Hammer,Columbia, and Track... I can get anything.. give me the chance to earn your business!
Edited by tizzle on 4/9/2011 at 10:50 AM