**SOLD***Hammer pearl Blade: - single drill
- 2"PIN, leverage layout w/PIN right of ring,
CG kicked right a little, and a small weight hole
- coverstock is still sweet *** $35 shipped***
Columbia blue Aftershock: - single drill
- slight thumb shift (good match on the plug)
- strong layout with PIN below and right of ring
- coverstock in very good shape (recent resurface)
- ******** $25 shipped ***********
My spans are 4 1/2" and 4 3/8", finger inserts and thumb slugs; thumb pitches are 1/4 reverse and 1/8 side.
I'll ship via FedEx Ground. No trades. I'm not looking to make much on these ... just trying to keep the arsenal down to a max of ten.
THANX ... in advance !!!
BTW ... I have good reviews as a seller and buyer in here; RicClint, Srlunatic, tha fluffer, dstanek ... just check me out in the Seller/Buyer Forum.
DAMN, I LOVE this game !!!
Robb in 1000 Oaks
Edited on 2/20/2005 0:55 AM
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