All prices include shipping. PayPal is Also accept money orders.
Emerald Buzzsaw...single drill..rh...5gms...$65
V2 Dry...single drill...LH....4gms...$35
Silver Diamond...finger shift...15gms...$55
V2 Clean...single drill..LH...7gms...$45
Lane#1 Bullett....span change...8gms...$40
SuperPower Pearl....plugged and rdy to drill...15gms...$30
Would only consider trades for NIB 14# Rush
Umm....Walter Ray....its customary to hand over your wallet AFTER I beat you. Its not like we haven't been through this a hundred times.
Edited on 10/15/2004 0:46 AM
Edited on 10/18/2004 1:05 AM
Edited on 10/18/2004 2:28 PM