Looking to sell the following 15 lb. equipment:
900 Global Break Point Pearl (single drill)
Ebonite Lane Breaker (single drill) SOLD
Ebonite Magic Touch (single drill) SOLD
Lane Masters Absolute Power 2 (single drill) SOLD
Morich Awesome Revs (1.5 drill; fingers plugged to fix cracked bridge) SOLD
Roto Grip Defiant Edge (1.5 drill; thumb plugged to change span) SOLD
Roto Grip Rush (3rd drill) SOLD
Track Kinetic (single drill; fully plugged) SOLD
Visionary Gladiator (single drill)
Visionary New Breed Solid (single drill)
900 Global Bank (2nd drill)
Brunswick Absolute Inferno (single drill)
Columbia Resurgence (single drill)
DV8 Hellraiser Revenge (single drill) SOLD
Ebonite Game Changer (single drill)
Hammer Big Blue Pearl (single drill)
Roto Grip Wrecker (single drill) SOLD
Brunswick Prime Zone (international Absolute Inferno) SOLD
Morich Awesome Revs SOLD
Roto Grip Plasma Cell (international Cell) SOLD
Roto Grip Rush SOLD
All balls are in great shape. Need to sell because I'm dropping down to 14 lbs.
Let me know if you have any questions or want to make an offer. Thanks.