I am in search of the following balls. New undrilled 15# May consider used depending on layout. I also may add cash to get the deal done.
Dynothane element,thing returns,The thing,vendeta pearl or black.
Track crunch time
Lane#1 cranberry,
Big Blue solid or pearl
phenome unleashed
ultimate inferno
I have a few balls to trade that are NIB 15# good specs.
track crunch, viper pearl "2 of them", Carbide Bomb pearl,
Let me know if you have any and would be interested in trading
The vipers are 15# 3-4 inch pin 3oz top 15# 2-3 inch pin 3oz top
the crunch is 15# 3-4 inch pin 2-1/2 top
The carbide bomb pearl is 15# 4-5 pin and 4oz top. "Traded"
Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have--- So spend it wisely..Edited on 2/23/2004 8:39 AM
Edited on 2/23/2004 8:41 AM
Edited on 2/23/2004 9:41 PM