Her's my list of balls I would like to get rid of. I will look at any trade offers If interested in buying make offers. All balls 1drill Rh span aprox
4 1/2 inches.
16lb power charge low games excellent shape "SOLD"
16lb monster bruiser low games excellent shape "SOLD"
15lb spare storm good shape
16lb Ebonite Tidal Wave good shape
16lb shock zone excellent shape
16lb morich hercules low games excellent shape "SOLD"
16lb storm flame purple/red excellent shape
Added balls
16lb morich onsalaught low games excellent shape "SOLD"
16lb v2 sanded aprox 30 games good shape "SOLD"
16lb Storm hot wire 3 frames left finger hole little crack on the left side of it not the bridge "SOLD"
I will look at any trade offers. I am always looking for blue and purple storm thunderoads want 2 or 3 of both of these balls. "NEED HELP" finding them??
Edited on 1/2/2004 2:06 PM
Edited on 1/3/2004 4:36 PM
Edited on 1/4/2004 7:30 PM
Edited on 1/4/2004 11:14 PM
Edited on 1/5/2004 1:24 AM