Brunswick Zone Classic drilled pin above bridge psa below thumb 50 shipped
Brunswick Blazing Inferno pin above ring cg stacked below 40shipped
Brunswick Ultimate Inferno pin below bridge cg swung out with a weight hole 55shipped single drill ring finger plugged once PENDING
Brunswick Power Groove DRY/R single drill very low games pin below ring 40 shipped
Lane 1 Uranium pearl drilled pin next to ring and small weight hole resurfaced to remove flat spots trade only
Lane 1 Silver diamond drilled pin above and next to ring cg swung right with a weight hole plug work on fingers and thumb due to cracking. trade only
Visionary green gargoyle second drill 25 shipped
Columbia 300 Tour Boss titanium oldy but goody one drill decent shape 25 shipped
Burgundy hammer 15.5# great shape thumb moved 40 shipped
willing to trade for brunswick stuff. Smokin inferno, strike zone, rampage, impulse zone, or even a shock and awe trade 2 for 1 NIB!
Brunswick is the king...
Edited on 9/14/2005 4:19 PM
Edited on 9/14/2005 4:46 PM