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Author Topic: 14lb Lane#1 Emerald Pearl FT  (Read 278 times)


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14lb Lane#1 Emerald Pearl FT
« on: May 23, 2004, 10:11:49 AM »
I have a 14lb Emerald pearl with approx 16 games on it.
The ball is 2-3" pin drilled RH Label, The thumb was plugged
and moved back to fit my Span and has finger inserts. I got
this ball to just try out other weights but it is definatly
too light for me.

I can provide pictures if you need it.

I would prefer to just trade it and prefer the following
balls but will consider others. I would like RH single drill.
If by chance someone out there has these balls drilled RH
with the pin above the ring finger that would be perfect.

If you are willing to trade you must have good feed back from
the buyer seller forum. I have made trades with others on here
and I am honest about my trades.

Ultimate Inferno
Triple xFactor
Killer Instinct Pearl

If you are interested jsut message me.
If your not using a Lane#1, You should be!
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