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Author Topic: List for sale, cheap prices!!!  (Read 1129 times)


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List for sale, cheap prices!!!
« on: July 02, 2003, 02:26:43 PM »
I have to, I mean have to sell these bowling balls, for I am seriously downsizing my aresnal and need to clear some closet room for moving. All prices INCLUDE shipping closts (about 12-15 bucks depending). Giving minor description now, more detailed and pics available upon request. The list is as follows:


Zone HPC- 15lbs, one drill left handed, low games $30. *SOLD*


Black Chaos- 15lbs, one drill left handed, well maintained no signs of TEC Death whatsoever- $25 *SOLD*


Night Hawk Revenge- 15lbs, thumb plugged and moved 1/4" (cant tell), cleaned and maintained- $25 *PENDING*

Night Hawk Torque- 16lbs, plugged right handed, drilled left handed currently, low games as well- $25 *SOLD*

"Top Secret"- 15lbs, same as Angle Evolution, plugged twice right handed, drilled left handed, low games plug work is color match- $20 *SOLD*

Kick- 15lbs, 0" pin one drill left handed, low games, excellent dry lane ball, -$20 *SOLD*


Blade Pearl- 16lbs, plugged right handed, redrilled left handed (pin above middle finger though, hooks more right handed still), very low games, only used this ball for a total of 5 games. -$30 *SOLD*


El Nino- 15lbs, plugged right handed (Michelle Feldman's old ball), now left handed, low games as well, small cracking around "mill" hole, does not effect reaction. -$25 *SOLD*

El Nino X-it, 15lbs, plugged right handed, drilled left handed, biggest hooking ball I own, well maintained, approx. 30 games in it, loads of life left in it- $30

Eraser- 15lbs, one drill lefty, thumb moved 1/4" as well (clear plug), lots of games on it (shot my 2 800's with it in practice), however has been very well claened and maintained, still hooks as much as it did when I bought it. -$25

Trauma Recovery- 16lbs, plugged right handed, drilled left handed (big weight hole), excellent condition with less than 20 games on it. -$30 *PENDING*


Hextreme- 15lbs, plugged once right handed (color match), now left handed, low games as well, small nick on right side of ball (dont think it would effect track however), solid hit and hook but too many other balls in my bag give the same reaction. -$20 *SOLD*

Possibly might add 2 or 3 more depending on how these do. If interested, send me a message on here, or an email to and I will respond as quickly as possible. I check my email several times a day and can ship balls same day/next day once a payment were to arrive. I have pics available now on most balls, and can get pics of others if interested. Cheap prices, excellent balls, let me know!! Thanks for viewing and hopefully buying!


If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....

Edited on 7/6/2003 8:32 PM

Edited on 7/6/2003 8:35 PM

Edited on 7/8/2003 8:25 AM



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Re: List for sale, cheap prices!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2003, 04:27:23 AM »
messages sent back, and ttt. Couple offers going, keep em coming! All these have to go!

If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....


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Re: List for sale, cheap prices!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2003, 07:20:25 AM »
Pending deals on the Blade Pearl, Chaos, Revenge and Hextreme, will update post in next day or so and possibly add another ball. Keep the messages coming! Thanks!

If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....


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Re: List for sale, cheap prices!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2003, 08:29:35 PM »
Updated post, Chaos sold, several others are pending. All is going great, thanks to all who have messaged/emailed.

Updated again just now, HPC, Torque, Top Secret, Kick and El Nino are also sold.
If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....

Edited on 7/6/2003 8:36 PM


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Re: List for sale, cheap prices!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2003, 08:06:32 AM »
Pics sent to all were wanted/needed, couple pending, half sold. Thanks t o all so far!

And of course with that said....TTT
If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....


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Re: List for sale, cheap prices!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2003, 08:23:27 AM »
Edited again, and back to the top. Couple left, mssage me or email me for pics and more info! Thanks

If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....