I have in 15lb for sale or Trade the following:
1 Fear Factor Special edition made for Pennsylvania State Bowling so it looks a little different, they are the same color as the Fear Factor but the engraving is in Orange. Looks cool, same smell same ball as original. Has around 10-15 games on it 55.00 shipped----Traded to getuaload
1-Intense Inferno about 25 games on it has been plugged once 45.00 shipped
1- Super Hero about 15 games on it single drill with weight hole. 45.00 shipped.-----SOLD to Vendettaman
I have pictures upon request but only request if you are serious about buying or trading please. I will 2 for a New Gp2. If you don't feel the prices are fair please send me an offer if you are interested.
Edited on 7/23/2005 9:53 AM
Edited on 8/13/2005 8:08 AM
Edited on 8/13/2005 8:09 AM