I am taking serious offers on a couple of balls: The first one is a 15# Vicious Attack With at max 7 games on it. The fingers were drilled and the bridge got drilled through the bottom so they were plugged about a quarter of the way up. It does also have a weight hole. Ball just doesn't fit my game that is why I am getting rid of it.
I am also selling a 15# Meteor Flash. This ball has not been plugged does not have a weight hole. This ball also only has about 15 games on it.
Both balls have grips and thumb slugs. I am taking offers on both of them or will possibly trade both for a NIB X-factor Deuce. I might throw some cash in also. I am looking for one about 15lbs 4ozs also about 3 to 3 1/2 top weight with a pin around 2-3. If you need references I have dealt quite a few times with jkiser. I can also give pics upon request. Thank you, Derek
Edited on 10/4/2003 10:55 PM
Edited on 10/6/2003 3:36 PM