Hi all,
I am a collge bowler who bowls very regularly. I was at my last confrence stop last week and I had the constant problem of my pearl beast with MICA overhooking. And I was like what the heck!!!??? Any rate, that is the weakest ball that I have. I tried flattening out my wrist but it was no to no avail, still hooking over the headpin. So it just happened that a guy that I was bowling against had just about the same span and finger holes as myself and he let me use it. OH MAN!!!!! My first shot I threw about 13 MPH over the 13 and out to about the 5 I am guessing, and then lo and behold, it went over the headpin. So I knocked off some revs the next shot and it got into the pocket and it carried WELL. Now here comes my problem, being a college bowler I can get a V2 dry for $75 plus shipping but the catch is, the minimum order is 4 to get the discount. Not of the same ball, just the same company, but only 1 other person wants and Ebonite ball. So I was wondering how close ya'll can come to that price for a NIB V2 dry, or what cheap ball out there will give me a reaction similar to the V2 dry.
Thanks a lot,
June 3, 2003 First 600 Series(208,258,170)!!!!!!