I will listen to any offers that you've got, but these are the balls that I really want:
Real Deal
Pure Hammer
Big Blue Spare
Would prefer single drill, but will talk about others.
Here's what I've got to offer in trade:
15lb DT Thing Lives
Single Drill (RH)
Grips, thumb sleeve, weight hole
Less than 25 games
Coverstock in very good shape
15lb X-Factor Pro (Overseas)
Pro Pin
Thumb plugged 1X to stretch span, good color match
Pin above bridge, cg down and right, RAD in strong position
Coverstock in good shape. A few scratches, but nothing that wouldn't come out with a light resurfacing
15lb Track Animal
Drilled RH stack
Plugged a couple of times, but plugwork is good
Coverstock still in very good shape
15lb Fab Reaper 2
Thumb plugged but drilled back through most of it, good color match
Pin below bridge, cg just off line to the right
Cover in good shape, some wear but nothing significant
15lb Target Zone (Blue Pearl)
Thumb plugged to stretch span
Used as spare ball only
Coverstock in near mint condition
Depending upon the ball, I might be willing to trade multiples for one that I am looking for. I am looking to trade first, sell second. Feel free to make cash offers, but realize that I will wait until I get all trade considerations before opting to go with a sale. Message or post with interest.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 315 : )