Swagga is 15 lbs. Grips and no slug. Drilled RH. Thumb plugged once. Span around 4 5/8". Pin above ring finger. Backlash is 15 lbs. Grips and no slug. Drilled RH. First drill. Span around 4 7/8". Pin under middle finger. Also have an AMF Code. Grips and slug. Drilled RH. First drill. Span around 4 1/2", maybe shorter. Drilled RICO. I have a list of balls that I would be willing to trade for. However, I will only trade the Swagga for a ball that has (SWAGGA) next to it.
Roto-Grip Rising Star (SWAGGA)
Roto-Grip Grenade (SWAGGA)
Roto-Grip Mars
Roto-Grip Mars Pearl (SWAGGA)
Roto-Grip Horizon
Storm Spit Fire (SWAGGA)
Storm Fired Up
Storm Street Rod Solid
Storm Reign
Storm 2Fast
Storm Tropical Heat Red/Blue
Storm Jolt
Storm Thunderstruck Pearl
Edited by strikestriketapped on 3/31/2011 at 1:13 PM