What I have to offer...All 15#
Ebonite Angular One $40 shipped most places
Columbia Resurgence $55 shipped most places
Columbia Wrath Dead Flush $35 shipped most places
Ebonite Gamebreaker (plugged fingers) $25/plus shipping *Sold*
Storm Spit Fire (plugged fingers) $25/plus shipping *Sold*
What I am interested in...
Track Kinetic Pearl
Storm Rapid Fire Pearl
Columbia Jazz
Hammer Razyr
Columbia Momentum Swing
I am willing to do 2 for one on the right trade...Will listen to any offers.
Edited on 9/30/2008 1:06 PM
Edited on 10/2/2008 11:13 AM
Edited on 10/2/2008 2:36 PM
Edited on 10/7/2008 1:48 PM
Edited on 10/17/2008 1:21 PM
Edited on 10/17/2008 1:22 PM