i need to get rid of all the stuff sitting in the basement and will do anything to get rid of this stuff all balls are 15lbs and drilled for a left hander
prices do not include shipping
would do a 2 for 1 3 for 1 or even 4 for1 on a new in box ball but only new in box balls i would consider for would be:
dr jeykell
here the list of the stuff i have to get rid of:
nib original inferno 4-5.5 pin 3.7 top 125.00 plus shipping or would trade for:
aresnal reactive
power drive
jeykel 25
monster brusier low games 25
monster slayr low games 25
inferno 1 fingers plugges once with clear plug 30
inferno 2 fingers plugged once with clear plug 30
blazing inferno 1 25
blazing inferno 2 plugged once 20
brunswick absolute inferno 209.95
brunswick white viz a ball 109.95
brunswick staff shirt 35.95
brunswick towel 10.95
being apart of the NATION PRICELESS
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