I have the following for sale:
Make an offer if you don't like the prices please.
15- Columbia Formula- about 50-60 games Single drill - 50.00 shipped.
15- Brunswick Monster Bruiser - 15 games 55.00 shipped
15- Hot Rod Weight hole plugged once and redrilled 30.00 shipped----Pending
15- Barbed Wire - maybe 10 games 50.00 shipped-----Pending
15- Pink Cosmic Rhino Plastic 15.00 shipped
15- Rhino X - Cover in good shape needs plugging work done 15.00 shipped
15- Hammer Red Pearl Plugged completely once now LH 15.00 shipped
15- Navy Fuze - Plugged Once now LH 25.00 shipped
15- V2 Sanded Plugged once. Now bridge is cracked can be repaired easily 15.00 shipped
15- Dale Earnhardt Sr. Viz-A-Ball NIB 85.00 shipped
8lb Lilo and Stitch Viz-A-Ball NIB 85.00 shipped
All balls are RH drill with the exception of the Fuze and the Red Pearl Hammer
I am looking to sale these balls to save up for the new arsenal. I might also have a Diesel Particle 1 drill, a Formula 1 drill, Anomally 1 drill for sale if the offers are right. Let me know if you are interested and we can work out a deal. I can get pics if interested. Thanks, Derek
Edited on 8/31/2004 5:45 PM
Edited on 8/31/2004 8:03 PM
Edited on 9/2/2004 6:47 AM
Edited on 9/3/2004 4:15 PM
Edited on 9/3/2004 5:08 PM
Edited on 9/3/2004 5:09 PM