All bowling balls are 16#... I'll listen to offers... They'll be shipped from 02740 and I can provide pics if you'd like...
- Core Power LRG (SOLD)
- Inferno (SOLD)
- Too Hot
- Power Torq
** The four mentioned above are completely plugged, ready to be drilled.
- Rock On
- Rock On LE
- Flipside Wild (original) (SOLD)
- Blade Particle NOT AVAILABLE
- Reaction Roll
- Icon2 (SOLD)
- Cuda 2000 (drilled LH)
- Forest Green Quantum (drilled LH)
- Glow Storm Spare Ball (Black/Bronze/Gold)
- Black Thunder (drilled LH)
I'd really like to get rid of these. I dropped to 15# and they're just taking up space.. I'm not a big fan of trades, but I may listen to trade offers too. Let me know..
Edited on 2/15/2004 8:40 PM
Edited on 2/16/2004 2:57 PM
Edited on 2/19/2004 3:21 PM
Edited on 2/23/2004 10:04 AM