Hey all,
Soo long time no see! Got access to my original account from several years ago and feels good to be back, even if the forum is slightly less poppin than usual.
Hoping someone sees this and can help out. Long story short, injured my hand/wrist while bowling at age 17 and am now 29 looking to get back into the game. I let my injury win and regretfully left the bowling scene when I was pretty huge into it. Was hoping to get into a university for their bowling team and everything. All that just fell apart sadly. Nowadays, I think my body is in good enough shape to get back into it finally.
In my pursuit of nostalgia, I’m looking for the below balls. They can be new or used as long as they’re not beat up like crazy. 14lbs or 15lbs will do.
Hammer models:
Raw Hammer series (Pyscho, Toxic, etc). I did find a Burn already.
Blade series (Sling, Switch, etc.)
Sauce series (Sauce, Hot Sauce, etc.)
Track models:
Machine series (Mean, Power, etc.)
Anything else around the time of those ^
Columbia models:
Action series (Attack, Packed, etc.)
So far that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Fingers crossed!!