Okay for all those asking here is the list. Make offer!
All balls are less than 5 games and grips at 4 1/16 x 4 1/16 both finger:
Monster Slayer / R
Pin at 2 O'clock
Track Animal Unleashed
Pin in middle of grip, kicked out to 3 o'clock
Track Freakazoid
Pin in middle of grip, CG out at 3 o'clock
Storm Triple X Factor
Pin over ring finger
Track Sheer Havoc
Pin in middle of grip, CG out to 3 o'clock
Hammer Urethane Red Hammer
Pin alongside ring finger
Track Super Freak
Pin in middle of grip, CG out to 3 o'clock
Monster Bruiser
Pin over ring finger
Track Phenom Unleashed
Pin alongside ring finger
AZO Red Fire
Pin 1" above ring finger at 1 o'clock
Track Rule
Pin above and inbetween the fingers
Track Dry Heat
Pin over the ring finger
Storm Razor Wire
Pin alongside ring finger
Shoes Brand New! Dexter SST6 10M Mens Burgandy glossy.
Shoes Brand New! ABS Pros 10M Mens black leather with interchangeable soles and heels (case is stained, but shoes never worn)
Triple Ball Bag - Lane One - Like New
Donkey 2 speed Ball Spinner