Two left, poor sad lonely things. I'll send 'em to you if you pay shipping + $10. Otherwise it's off the bridge with them. Columbia Wild (1) and Roto Grip Outlaw (3). I'd donate them to the Jr. program here but I've been told they only want lighter stuff.
Clearing out the basement and these need to find a new home (all prices include shipping. There will be a price break on multiple balls):
1) Columbia Wild: 16#, 4" pin, currently pin above and outside ring, cg slightly out. First drill. 9.5/10. $30.
2) Buzzsaw Green Bomb: 15#, 2 1/2" pin, pin beside ring, cg stacked below. First drill. 8.5/10. $30. SOLD
3) Roto Grip Outlaw: 16# (I think, I'll weigh it if I get any interest). Goes very straight. $15 (or cost of shipping + $5, whichever is more).
4) Dynothane Element: 15 3/4#, Pin above and out from ring finger, cg out (seems as if it's a 3" pin, but I'll have to check). 8/10. $35 SOLD
5) Dynothane Vendetta. 15#. 4" pin, pin next to ring, cg out. 8/10. $35. SOLD
6) Dynothane Thing: 15 3/4#. 3" pin, pin 1" right of ring finger, cg under finger. 8.5/10. $35. SOLD
No dings in track on any of these (well, maybe the Outlaw, but I don't remember any). No finger inserts, most have thumb slugs. I could very easily have decided to keep most of these and got rid of some other stuff, but decided to stay with mostly Roto for a while. Offers on multiple sales will be entertained.
"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold, mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,"
I'm Ragnar Floggurass, and I approve this message
Edited on 9/27/2004 12:59 PM
Edited on 9/28/2004 11:49 AM