Take your pick
$45 shipped OBO:
Here's what I have, all are 15lb and all have balance holes:
Roto Grip Cell -
SOLDRoto Grip Cell Pearl - 2nd drill, fingers moved for span change, thumb started out as switch grip, plugged to go to vise IT, then drilled to install Grip-Loc. Lots of games, somewhere in the 150 range.

Brunswick Anaconda - Fingers moved, thumb changed from vise IT to Grip-Loc. Cover is 9/10.

Lane #1 OG Chainsaw - Hate to see this one go, but it just doesn't see the lanes enough anymore. 2nd drill, fingers partially drilled back into, vise IT thumb. Fresh 2000+Sauce surface, looks great!

MoRich Mania - Single Drill, only 3 games on this one. Absolutely perfect condition.

MoRich HookR - I just bought this used, the seller plugged the thumb for me and I drilled and installed the Grip Loc thumb so it's a 1.5 drill with just the thumb moved. I haven't even thrown it yet myself.